Unit Titles Amendment Bill later this year
Unit Titles Amendment Bill later this year
Minister Twyford, as the Minister with overall responsibility for Housing and Urban Development, has stated in a letter to the BCCG that an exposure draft of a Unit Titles Amendment Bill will be released for public consultation later this year.
During 2017 the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment conducted a nationwide consultation on potential changes to the Unit Titles Act. The BCCG and many other groups and individuals responded.
The BCCG's recommendations for changes were extensive. These ranged from clarification on long term maintenance plans and the associated fund; the introduction of an Ombudsman or Commissioner to oversee the sector; improving the disclosure regime and the current system for seeking redress through the Disputes Tribunal through to a recommendation that all BC management companies should be registered and have staff that meet minimum qualifications. The full set of BCCG responses to the previous consultation on the Act can be downloaded from the BCCG Website:
Unit Titles Act 2010 Review - BCCG Submission document
Further information will be provided to members as it becomes available.
Members are also able to view the original MBIE submission and the full range of public submissions on the MBIE website.