Changes to Unreinforced Masonry Securing Initiative
22 Dec 2017
Building and Construction Minister Jenny Salesa has announced that the Government is making amendments to the $4.5 million Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Building Securing Fund, for the strengthening of parapets and facades on buildings in Wellington, Hutt City, Blenheim and Hurunui.
While there are aspects that are good news:
- increased allowance for individual payments
- broader scope of payments
- an increase in time for work to be done
it ignores the key implications of these changes in that with no increase in the actual pot of money there are now fewer owners who are going to receive the money.
It also doesn’t address the key element that BCCG have lobbied for: access to a lender of the last resort facility for those owners who don’t have and can’t raise the funds necessary for the strengthening work.
This feedback has been given to media who have approached BCCG on this matter.
Securing unreinforced masonry building parapets and facades has more information.
Read the Minister’s announcement on the Parliament website.
Read Mayor Justin Lester's response.