What does living in a BC mean?
The following sources of information will help you understand what it means to be a Unit Title holder in a Body Corporate.
Citizens Advice Bureau
CAB's website has a number of relevant topics. Search on their website for Body Corporate and you'll have a number of articles to choose from. One example: I am a Unit Title Owner - what are my rights?
Consumer NZ
Consumer NZ (a consumer rights and advisory organisation) has a number of relevant articles, two of which are:
The Home Owners and Buyer's Association of New Zealand areas of interest overlap with BCCG. They have a useful Body Corporate section.
Mediation or Dispute Resolution Services
Sometimes help is needed to resolve a dispute in a Body Corporate without resorting to the full legal process. Here are some helpful sources
- MBIE - resolving issues and disputes (includes mediation)
- Citizen Advice Bureau - "How can we resolve a dispute with a Body Corporate"
Fairway Resolutions Limited
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
MBIE's Unit Title Services is a major source of practical advice on BC matters, with a website devoted to Unit Titles: www.unittitles.govt.nz. Some highlights include:
- A simple introduction if you're thinking of buying
- A short guide booklet to Unit Titles
- A summary of owner's rights and responsibilities
- How to contact Unit Title Services for advice
How to apply to the Tenancy Tribunal if you have a dispute
Strata Community Association (NZ)
See their excellent free to view on-line booklet Introducing Strata for those new to strata (body corporate) living.
SCA(NZ) is the NZ Chapter of an Australian professional body targeted at education and professional standards for BC management companies, providing education and support for the strata sector. It also provides training for BC Chairs and Committees.