Recent news coverage of interest
21 September 2017
Here are a couple of items that you may find of interest.
NZ Herald: Top lawyer reveals apartment 'wars': what owners fight about
Joanna Pidgeon, Auckland District Law Society president and Pidgeon Law principal, spoke at an inaugural half-day conference on unit titles and bodies corporate today, telling of regular battlegrounds.
Read full article (opens in new page)
Landlords: What to put in Tenancy Agreements
MBIE has recently published information in their Business News page outlining what is needed in Tenancy Agreements under the new legislation. This includes a template for a tenancy agreement. Although this is not a BC Chair responsibility, it may be helpful to pass onto Landlords within your BC.
The MBIE Tenancy Services website is also a useful resource, both for landlords and for BCs (there is a Unit Titles page)